Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) make use of genetic data that are a collection of genetic variants such as single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) across large population. Such data can be used to find which genetic variants are associated with certain phenotype traits.
Analysis requires two sources of information, genetic variant data for instance SNP for multiple individuals and data about their phenotype. The goal is to find which regions in the genome measured by means of SNPs co-vary with certain trait.
I will be using HapMap data cite:HapMap2010 which can be downloaded from link. The map file contains SNP names, and ped file is for genotype information.
hapmap3_pop/ hapmap3_pop/hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.CEU.qc.poly.ped
I will use R package GenABEL cite:Aulchenko2007. First convert data to GenABEL format
pedfile = '/home/mateusz/Downloads/GWAS-Phaselll-01-2009/hapmap3_pop/hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.CEU.qc.poly.ped',
mapfile = '/home/mateusz/Downloads/GWAS-Phaselll-01-2009/hapmap3_pop/',
outfile = '/home/mateusz/Downloads/GWAS-Phaselll-01-2009/hapmap3_pop/hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.CEU.qc.poly.out')
Load phenotype data, here sex and pedigree
# Load tab-delimited file with phenotype data and fix factor levels
pheno = read.table('/home/mateusz/Downloads/GWAS-Phaselll-01-2009/relationships_w_pops_121708.txt',
header = TRUE,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pheno$sex = pheno$sex -1
# Load combined data
data =
phenofile= "/home/mateusz/Downloads/GWAS-Phaselll-01-2009/pheno.txt",
genofile = "/home/mateusz/Downloads/GWAS-Phaselll-01-2009/hapmap3_pop/hapmap3_r2_b36_fwd.CEU.qc.poly.out",
# Quality check
qc = check.marker(data)
# Select samples and SNPs that are ok by default filtering
fdata = data[qc$idok,qc$snpok]
mdata = phdata(fdata)
nids(fdata) # Number of individuals
nsnps(fdata) # Number of SNPs
# Fit logistic model, makes no sense, but just test the method
result = scan.glm("sex~CRSNP",
snps=(1:1000)) # Otherwise too long for this test
result$map[result$P1df < 0.05] # P-values testing association to select SNPs
bibliographystyle:unsrtnat bibliography:gwas.bib